Reeder Redecoration Reeder Re-do
Reeder Redecoration
Comments are welcome. We'd really like to know what you think. -Terry Kearns
Painting the porch ceiling
The ceiling is very high and very white. It seems as if the space takes something out of you. We're painting it blue.

After pressure washing the ceiling. it looks pretty good. Bu there is a lot of space up there.

Here is the sample color.

767 "Graceful Sea"

Latex opaque stain. It's in the same family as Americana, the color of the table and bench.

It was a three ladder job that took me six hours. The color varies a lot depending on the light. It's a lot nicer out there now.


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Reeder Re-Do 2005 (and maybe part of 2006, who knows)       Top of page       Home
Copyright Terry Kearns 2005 - 2007