Reeder Redecoration Reeder Re-do
Reeder Redecoration
Comments are welcome. We'd really like to know what you think. -Terry Kearns
Field drawings for the yard
How much grass seed to buy and how much ditch is needed for a drainpipe.

Today I measured the yard to be in case I have to buy some grass seed. It may be too shady to grow much grass but rye will green up this winter. Landscape plans are welcome

I guess that says it all.


Trotter's estimate for new gutter drainage includes a new 12" drain They want $1391.00 or about $21/foot for it. It hurts my back just thinking about doing it myself.

Looks like 65 feet of ditch and it has to go under the sidewalk.

Standards say the slope should be 1% or 1/4" per foot. That's about 6 inches. Doesn't seem like much.

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